API Reference

This endpoint either initiates a new payment process or performs a card verification check. The operation is determined by the payment details included in the request.

Initiate Card Process

referencestringReference identifier for the payment.
currencystringCurrency used for the payment.
sourceobjectname: NameOnCard
pan: CardNumber
cvv: CVV
expiry_month: ExpireMonth
expiry_year: ExpireYear
type: CARD
"billing_address": {
"address_line1": "The primary street address (e.g., house number and street name)",
"address_line2": "The secondary address line (e.g., apartment or suite number, optional)",
"city": "The city name for the billing address",
"country": "Valid alpha-3 code for the country (ISO 3166-1 standard)",
"postal_code": "The postal or ZIP code for the billing address",
"state": "The state, province, or region for the billing address"
customerobjectreference: CustomerReference
name: CustomerName
email: CustomerEmail
amountnumberTotal amount of the payment.
payment_typestringType of payment to be initiated
capturebooleantrue or false
authorization_typestringAuthorization type for payment
3dsobjectenabled:To enable or disable 3DS
challenge_preference: 3DS challenge reference
redirect_urlobjectsuccess: success redirect URL
failure: failure redirect URL
narrationsstringtransaction narration

Payment Response

idstringUnique identifier for the payment.
referencestringReference identifier for the payment.
amountnumberTotal amount of the payment.
currencystringCurrency used for the payment.
feenumberTransaction fee applied to the payment.
payment_timestampstringTimestamp when the payment was processed.
redirect_linkstringLink to redirect the user, if applicable.
request_typestringType of the payment request (charge, card_check, refund).
response_summarystringSummary of the payment response.
statusstringCurrent status of the payment (pending, success, failed).
settle_statusstringPayment settlement status (initiated, pending, released)

Verify Card Payload

currencystringCurrency used for the payment.
sourceobjectname: NameOnCard
pan: CardNumber
cvv: CVV
expiry_month: ExpireMonth
expiry_year: ExpireYear
type: CARD

Generating the X-Signature


To securely authenticate API requests, a signature (X-Signature) must be generated and included in the request headers. This signature is a HMAC SHA256 hash of the request data, using a provided secret key.

Steps to Generate the X-Signature:

  • Prepare the Data: The data to be sent in the API request (request payload) should be prepared as a string.
  • Generate HMAC SHA256 Signature (e.g using crypto-js for Node:
    • Use the HMAC SHA256 algorithm on the request data string.
    • The secret key for HMAC SHA256 is provided (e.g., "sktest$jmrluwtudhbztd@s&lu").
    • The output should be converted to a hexadecimal string.
      Include the Signature in Headers:
      The resulting hexadecimal string is used as the value for the X-Signature header in the API request.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!