API Reference

API access to you Payline data

Welcome to our API documentation. Need to initiate a payment process, or to extract additional information from your Payline account? We provide you with an API that gives you full control over your data.

This guide will walk you through the initial steps required to effectively utilize our API services.

IP Whitelisting

  • The payment APIs require your ip address to be whitelisted before you can make requests. Ensure you have a static IP address (IPv4) for the environment you will be making your API calls from. You can whitelist one or more (up to 3) IP addresses from your Payline dashboard.

Token Exchange

  • Before you begin making API calls, it is essential to obtain an authentication token. All interactions with our API endpoints require a valid token for security purposes. The Token Exchange endpoint is your starting point.

With your authentication token, you are now ready to interact with our API. Include this token in the authorization header of each request to access the full range of services our API offers.
