Retrieves a list of payment transactions associated with an authenticated business, with optional filtering.
Payment Response
key | type | description |
id | string | Unique identifier for the payment. |
reference | string | Reference identifier for the payment. |
amount | number | Total amount of the payment. |
currency | string | Currency used for the payment. |
fee | number | Transaction fee applied to the payment. |
payment_timestamp | string | Timestamp when the payment was processed. |
redirect_link | string | Link to redirect the user, if applicable. |
request_type | string | Type of the payment request (charge, card_check, refund). |
response_summary | string | Summary of the payment response. |
status | string | Current status of the payment (pending, success, failed). |
refund_status | string | Status of refund (none, partially_refunded, refunded, refund_failed) |
source | object | name: NameOnCard pan: CardNumber cvv: CVV expiry_month: ExpireMonth expiry_year: ExpireYear type: CARD |
total_amount_refunded | number | total amount refunded for transaction |
total_amount_captured | number | total amount captured for transaction |
total_amount_available_to_refund | number | total amount available for refund |