API Reference

Retrieves a list of payment transactions associated with an authenticated business, with optional filtering.

Payment Response

idstringUnique identifier for the payment.
referencestringReference identifier for the payment.
amountnumberTotal amount of the payment.
currencystringCurrency used for the payment.
feenumberTransaction fee applied to the payment.
payment_timestampstringTimestamp when the payment was processed.
redirect_linkstringLink to redirect the user, if applicable.
request_typestringType of the payment request (charge, card_check, refund).
response_summarystringSummary of the payment response.
statusstringCurrent status of the payment (pending, success, failed).
refund_statusstringStatus of refund (none, partially_refunded, refunded, refund_failed)
sourceobjectname: NameOnCard
pan: CardNumber
cvv: CVV
expiry_month: ExpireMonth
expiry_year: ExpireYear
type: CARD
total_amount_refundednumbertotal amount refunded for transaction
total_amount_capturednumbertotal amount captured for transaction
total_amount_available_to_refundnumbertotal amount available for refund
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